Should we be concerned about the ethics of science and vaccine development? Should Christians be concerned about Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine?

Koshala Gunaratna
2 min readFeb 21, 2021

For startes here are important Facts:
1. foetal cells in vaccine development isn't new
2. The Oxford vaccine used HEK (human embryonic kidney) 293 cell lines, obtained from a female foetus in the Netherlands in 1973.
3. foetal cells have been genetically modified so they can divide an infinite number of times and current cella used are not the actual original cells, they've been immortalised and then propagated over the decades.
3. However, It appears Pfizer and other available vaccines such as Moderna did not use fetal cell lines unliked the Oxford vaccine in development but still may have tested on such cells after development to see its effectiveness.

My concern is, while some may endorse abortion I am not one such person who endorses it very easily. Wether it was opted for recently or decades ago..
Just like in the case where some eat meat while others are vegan, or in testing drugs and cosmetics on animals, it is upto anyone to decided for themselves based on what they believe and their conscience agrees with. My concern is, should governments at least if not now but may be in the future give us a choice than force one with no option?

I am not telling not to be vaccinated. No! if there is no other choice I will also be vaccinated with the intention of saving many lives and hoping an end will come to this madness we call Covid19. BUT I just wish that we are not in a pitiful state where as a country or people are so helpless that we just settle for what ever that comes our way.. I prefer simply prefer we could opt for a more ethically sourced vaccine or least have a choice encouraging same for future.

When science has unethical origins it is always good to question and keep questioning so science will continue to find better ways in the future to have ethical means as suppose to settling for otherwise.
So in conclusion yes, it is troubling but we cannot be held accountable for others actions as long as we raise our concerns. Having said it, if it is benefiting a whole lot more then we should consider going ahead with whats present for now as the most crucial choice while encouraging better means for the future.


On other covid vaccines -



Koshala Gunaratna

Marketing Consultant and Digital Markerting Specialist